Getting on with others is one of the hardest tests any of us face. There are many delicate balances to find. e.g.
- being selfish v being a doormat
- sex and nurturing touch
- sharing responsibilities
- traditional roles v new ideas of equality
- maintaining sexual passion over time
One of the first steps is to realise that you deserve to be treated well, and that you don’t always have to say yes to the requests of others. Even from children, parents or partners!
By exploring our beliefs about what we should do in relationship, we can gently discover a way to take care of ourselves, while still loving and looking after others. We can find a win win situation, even if it takes continual negotiation to get there.
If you’d like some help, contact me now to setup some regular coaching. I don’t have all the answers, but I have some very good questions that help you find your own answers.
It’s your life, and your own answers will always be better than anybody else’s.
Assuming you’ve considered all the relevant options!