Game of Thrones fan?

You might want to give that up. As you know, it’s ultra violent, and scares the whatever out of people. That’s not good to experience, time after time. It’s designed to numb you to violence, so when you see it, you learn to accept it. This allows governments to get away with going to war, and have violent policies towards the environment, etc. Would voters support these things without being trained on violence?

And you know these shows have been designed by experts to keep you hooked and addicted. Why? To sell adverts, telling you that you’re inadequate as you are, and the only way to be acceptable is to buy this. Buy that. Buy the other. Again and again and again. Ads don’t work on you? Hmmm … is that why they spend over a trillion dollars on them worldwide every year? They’re designed so that we don’t realise we’re being brainwashed.

Best to give up watching ALL violent media: TV, films, video games, books, the lot. Oh, no! How will I keep myself amused? There are countless alternatives! Learning videos/programs, nature shows, comedy, cooking or gardening show. And that’s just on screens! How about spending more time in nature, or with friends? Or both at once! Maybe even play cards, or board games. You remember: all those old fashioned things people used to do!

Think of all the extra time you’ll have to enjoy with your family, or being social, exercising, exploring self improvement or a spiritual path, enjoying your pets, or doing that hobby you never have time for. Or just relaxing and … doing nothing. And then resting a while. All work and no play … you know the rest! Your health and happiness will improve in leaps and bounds, by avoiding all that violence and stress. Try it and see!