Category: Uncategorized
The Biggest Mistake of All
What do you think that might be? Not exercising? Eating badly? Working too hard? Those are all mistakes to avoid, but there’s an even bigger one: Believing you have no power to change your life. This is the root of all problems. When we believe this, we give up, and don’t do anything to improve…
Resistance is Useless
It sounds like a cliche from TV or film, and it’s been used more than once on those screens. We could argue about the value of resistance during war, but what does it mean in everyday life? Does it have any value at all in helping us create the life of our dreams? In my…
The 7 biggest health blunders
I did a talk for the Public Health Alliance yesterday at the beach. It was good fun, and the audience were open and interested. Here’s a summary:
Keep your balance
Have you ever thought about balance? Maybe not. Most of us don’t, unless we see a tight rope walker or similar. Of course, we don’t need to be able to do that, as impressive as it looks. We don’t need to be anywhere near as good as that when it comes to balance. But we…
Making Sense of Nutrition
Diet! Who can make sense of it? Some say vegan, others say carnivore. High carb or low carb? It can get pretty confusing out there. One thing most don’t realise is that we’re all a bit different. One may thrive on this diet, another does better on a different diet. So how can we figure…
Health a la kangaroo
What?! Bouncing up and down on a mini trampoline, also called a rebounder. That sounds ridiculous. Yes, it does! And I’m not recommending it just because I live in Australia. It really IS a very simple fun way to get healthy. It’s such a powerful exercise that NASA looked into it for their astronauts, who…
Game of Thrones fan?
You might want to give that up. As you know, it’s ultra violent, and scares the whatever out of people. That’s not good to experience, time after time. It’s designed to numb you to violence, so when you see it, you learn to accept it. This allows governments to get away with going to war,…
Seven Ways to Survive the Holidays
Many of us find it challenging to deal with all the busyness of the holiday period, and although it can be very enjoyable, it can also be stressful, and it’s easy to eat and drink too much as well. That leads to new year’s resolutions which don’t often succeed! Stress, excess weight, and hangovers are…
An old Documentary about my Relationship Coaching
This was made in 2006, but still reflects some of the work I do today:
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus
Has anybody ever looked at the Corona virus from the perspective of the virus? Crazy? Maybe. On the other hand, all beings have evolved to survive and thrive. Those that hurt or kill don’t do it out of spite, but in an attempt to survive. This virus is no different. In fact, many are benign,…