What do you think that might be? Not exercising? Eating badly? Working too hard? Those are all mistakes to avoid, but there’s an even bigger one:
Believing you have no power to change your life.
This is the root of all problems. When we believe this, we give up, and don’t do anything to improve our lives. After all, if we don’t have the power, why bother? Why even get up every day? There’s no point, is there?
As you can imagine, we’re taught this from many sources. Why? Because governments don’t want empowered citizens! Otherwise we’d realise we don’t need so much government. We could figure things out ourselves.
Business would also collapse if we realised we could improve our lives. We wouldn’t fall for advertising, buying things we don’t need in a vain attempt to improve things. We don’t actually need everything they so kindly offer us.
If you believe you have no power to change things, you’ll stick with a job that’s slowing killing you. And probably stay in a bad relationship. And you won’t eat well or exercise, because, hey, what’s the point?
It won’t improve things, as you don’t have the power to improve things!
So please give up that belief, once and for all, and your life will improve.
Sure, it’ll take time, but that’s ok, because there’s no hurry! There’s nothing in your life that you can’t improve: health, wealth, and happiness for starters. And that includes your job, relationships, love life, fitness, joy, and more.
Never ever let anybody again tell you that you’re powerless. It’s just not true.